Psychological readiness of athletes and their prosocial orientation
Dr. Psych., Associate Professor P.A. Kislyakov1
Dr. Psych., Associate Professor N.A. Tsvetkova2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow
Keywords: sports psychology, prosocial orientation, psychological readiness, social values of sports.
According to the socio-psychological approach, athletes' behavior during competitions can be regulated by prosocial orientation [1]. Studies conducted abroad have shown that athletes' orientation toward fair play and sportsmanship contributes to their experience of positive emotions and the development of psychological readiness for competitions [2].
Research aim: to assess the prosocial orientation of Russian athletes in relation to their psychological readiness for competitions.
Methodology and research organization.
The study involved 186 athletes from various cities (Moscow, Ivanovo, Yekaterinburg, Bryansk, Tambov): aged 18 to 45 (M = 24); 42% were male. The following methods were used: "Psychological Readiness of an Athlete" (L.G. Ulyaeva, in the author's interpretation) and "Measurement of the Spirit of Sport Values" (SOS, adapted by K.A. Bochaver).
Results and discussion.
Most athletes demonstrated good psychological readiness for competitions (min = -12, max = 35, M = 12.35, SD = 8.5). Analysis of the average group profile of value orientations in sports showed that, overall, all values were important to the participants at a level above average (score of 3.5 and above on a 5-point scale). Spearman's correlation analysis revealed direct relationships between athletes' prosocial orientation, expressed in adherence to the social values of sports (respect for sports ethics, adherence to rules, teamwork, respect for oneself and other competitors, good manners and upbringing, sense of community and solidarity), and psychological readiness in sports (r ≥ 0.3, p ≤ 0.05).
Thus, the prosocial orientation of athletes can serve as a personal resource that ensures their psychological resilience and readiness during training and competitive processes. The identified patterns should be used in the system of psychological support for athletes through the implementation of psychological games and exercises that actualize social norms and values of fair play, solidarity, cooperation, and mutual assistance.
The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-00190,, RSSU.
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