Dynamics of the performance indicators of the competitive activity of wrestlers – finalists of the Olympics (discipline – freestyle wrestling)
Dr. Hab., Professor S.V. Latyshev
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
Objective of the study was to conduct an analysis of the dynamics of the performance indicators of the competitive activities of wrestlers (discipline - freestyle wrestling) at the Olympic Games before and after the 2013 rule changes.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were used in the work: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, video analysis and timing of competitive fights for first and third places in each weight category at the Olympic Games in Paris (2024) in men's wrestling (discipline – freestyle wrestling), methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and conclusions. In the scientific work, the following indicators were calculated for the competitive performance of the finalist wrestlers of the Paris Olympics (2024) were calculated in the scientific work: average time of the fight, average time of wrestling in a standing position and on the ground separately, activity, effectiveness, high-scoring, reliability of the attack and defense of the wrestler. Then the obtained data were compared with the results of our previous studies on the analysis of competitive activity of wrestlers at the Olympic Games in Atlanta (1996) and Sydney (2000). Comparative analysis showed that the changes in the competition rules in 2013 had a significant impact on the indicators of competitive activity towards increasing the spectacle of competitive fights, namely, the average time of the fight decreased due to an increase in the number of early victories, the activity and overall effectiveness of the fight increased approximately twofold, the reliability of attacking actions decreased, and defensive actions increased, while the share of high-scoring TTD remained at approximately the same level.
Keywords: Olympic Games, freestyle wrestling, competitive activity.
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