Development of air gymnastics as a sport in the republic of Adygea


E.S. Redina1, 2
A.S. Sukmanyuk1
A.A. Shalaya1

Associate Professor D.A. Gura1, 3
1Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar
2Adygea regional physical culture and sports public organization "Aerial Gymnastics Federation", Republic of Adygea
3Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to identify historical and modern aspects of the development of aerial gymnastics in the Republic of Adygea based on theoretical analysis and the results of a survey of residents of the region.
Methods and structure of the study. The results of the growth in popularity of aerial gymnastics in the republic since the first section was established in 2018 were collected and analyzed based on information sources about the competitions held during this time. An assessment was made of the increase in the number of sections created in the settlements of Adygea and wishing to practice aerial gymnastics based on data from sociological surveys of residents of the republic.
Results and conclusions. The article examines the history of the development of a new sport that is gaining popularity and fans in the Republic of Adygea, the ways of its origin and development prospects. The issues of full official recognition of the sport at the state level, the creation of a unified air sports federation, which will significantly accelerate its development and popularization in the country and regions are raised. Despite the problems associated with the lack of the necessary training facilities at the first stage, the enthusiasm of coaches and the great desire of young athletes to engage in this wonderful sport made it possible to hold the first republican championship with the participation of foreign representatives in 2019.

Keywords: aerial gymnastics, pole, ring, aerial silks, acrobatics, special training, aerial belts, slings.


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