Features of organizing and conducting mass sports work in a university in the eighties of the last century


PhD, Professor A.A. Akhmatgatin1
PhD, Professor S.A. Galtsev2
PhD, Associate Professor O.I. Kuzmina3
PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Shvachun4
1Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
2Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk
3Irkutsky State Transport University, Irkutsk
4Russian State University of Justice, Voronezh

Objective of the study is to substantiate and evaluate the effectiveness of the use of blended learning for the formation of students' theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge in the field of physical culture, as well as motivation to engage in physical exercises.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved conducting a pedagogical experiment in the development of the discipline "Physical Culture and Sport" by university students, during which the educational process was carried out using mixed learning with the experimental group of students (EG) (n=105), and with the control group (KG) (n=110) using the traditional method.
Results and conclusions. Blended learning provided for classroom instruction in a traditional form, and the organization of independent work of students using distance learning technologies. Classroom classes in the EG and CG were conducted similarly in the form of lectures. Independent work at EG provided for students to complete a distance learning course on the university's LMS Moodle platform. The independent work of the students of the KG was carried out in the traditional form without the use of distance learning technologies. Upon completion of the training, the students of EG and KG completed the final tasks: testing the knowledge of theoretical material and checking methodological and practical skills. According to the results of the assessment of the final tasks, it was found that the students of the EG showed statistically significantly better theoretical knowledge, as well as methodological and practical skills compared with the students of the KG.

Keywords: physical education and sports, blended learning, distance learning technologies.


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