Development of flexible competencies in the process of physical education classes in the educational space of higher education
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Novikova
Tobolsk Industrial Institute, branch Industrial University of Tyumen, Tobolsk
Objective of the study was to identifying the correlation between physical education methods used in classes at a higher technical school and the indicator of the development of students’ flexible competencies.
Methods and structure of the study. At the Tobolsk Industrial Institute, as part of the development of the topic «Development of flexible competencies of students», a study was conducted to identify the degree of development of the components of «soft» skills through physical education, in which 110 students of the 2nd and 3rd years took part.
Results and conclusions. In the course of the study it was revealed that educational technologies and methods used in physical education classes influence the development of communicative competencies in the context of teamwork, while at the same time students develop responsibility for their actions; development of cognitive and creative competencies in solving narrowly focused and general tasks when performing exercises and participating in sports games, chess tournaments, mini football matches; formation of the ability to make decisions and the skill of achieving results.
Keywords: flexible competencies, physical education methods, higher education.
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