Formation of the value of a healthy lifestyle of students in the educational space of the university
Dr. Hab., Professor A.P. Andrunik1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor S.N. Fomina1
PhD, Associate Professor S.M. Vityaev1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Objective of the study was to defining the role and place of formation of the value of a healthy lifestyle among students in the process of professional training.
Методика и организация исследования. Students of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, from different fields of study in three areas, took part in the research work: humanitarian, economic and technical. The survey was conducted using a developed questionnaire using Google forms. The main results of the survey were structured into four modules. Analysis of the answers to the "personal questions" allowed us to estimate the age and gender composition: 58,9% - girls, 41,1% - boys. Among the fields of study are management, applied informatics, economics, marketing and others.
Results and conclusions. The conducted research resulted in obtaining data on the attitude of students to the value of a healthy lifestyle. It was concluded that health values are included in the list of priorities. The most preferred types of students' activities aimed at maintaining health were identified: regular physical activity, sleep and rest. The authors concluded that it is necessary to create a system of social support and conditions in the educational space of the university to expand the possibilities of young people in choosing their preferred forms of physical education and health activities.
Keywords: healthy lifestyle, educational space of the university, values.
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