The role of sports and recreational activities in the realization of the civic potential of students


Dr. Sc. Phil., Associate Professor D.G. Gorin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Uvarova1
Postgraduate student A.V. Orlov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identifying the role of sports and recreational activities in the development of the civic potential of student youth.
Methods and structure of the study. The research work was organized on the basis of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in September-October 2024, in which 812 students of all courses and areas of training implemented at the university took part. During the sociological survey, the role of sports and recreational activities in the formation of the civic potential of student youth was assessed using the questionnaire method. The author's method for diagnosing the civic potential of student youth was used.
Results and conclusions. First-year students show the greatest interest in social events and sports, while in senior years, student activity in all forms of extracurricular activities decreases. The study showed that the students surveyed generally positively assess the conditions for active participation in sports and recreational activities and other forms of social activity. However, with each year, satisfaction with these conditions decreases. Freshmen are optimistic, while senior students are increasingly dissatisfied with the increase in academic workload and the lack of organizational support.

Keywords: civic potential, students, sports and recreation activities, value orientations, motivation.


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