Social effects and determinants of the festival «Figital football – everyone plays»
PhD, Associate Professor G.B. Glazkova1
Postgraduate student A.A. Dubrov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Uvarova1
M.V. Nachevskiy1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Objective of the study was to scientific and experimental substantiation of the social significance of phygital football festivals at the regional level.
Methods and structure of the study. The Kursk region was chosen as an experimental site, where the project "Socio-sports festival «Phygital football – everyone plays!»» (Festival) was implemented in 2024. Scientific, methodological, informational, research and analytical support of the project was carried out by representatives of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Results and conclusions. During the project implementation, the following social effects were identified: rapid development of interest in phygital football among young people, when after the official competitions, students continued to play friendly matches between faculties, which is due to the dissemination of information about the new sport through meetings of the project team with university leaders, the involvement of famous athletes-promoters, the involvement of girls, including foreign students, the emotional background of phygital football, the opportunity to engage in phygital sports regardless of geographic affiliation.
It is shown that the introduction of a social and sports model for involving schoolchildren and students of the Kursk region in mass sports through phygital football contributed to the greater involvement of students in regular physical activity, participation in mass sports events in the context of modern social challenges.
Keywords: phygital football, schoolchildren and students, social and sports festival, social effects, development determinants.
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