Developing professional resilience in future physical education and sports specialists
Dr. Hab., Professor E.A. Bayer1
PhD O.I. Gorbatkova1
I.A. Korobov1
Postgraduate student V.Yu. Pyak1
1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
Objective of the study was to study the state of development of resilience in future specialists in the field of physical education and sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The preliminary study was conducted in the period 2022-2024 by the Department of Social and Sports Pedagogical Technologies of the Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy and Defectology at the Don State Technical University. The study involved 254 master's students and university teachers.
Results and conclusions. The concept of the phenomenon of resilience as a basic foundation for the personal development of a future specialist in the field of physical education and sports, implemented in compliance with the principles of pedagogical love for children, professional patriotism, and moral determination, is substantiated. The identified pronounced dynamics of the development of students' resilience is ensured by specially organized training that actualizes the sustainable development of the individual and orients them toward continuous education, effective socialization, and practice-oriented training in the conditions of the work of the Department of Social and Sports Pedagogical Technologies of the Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy, and Defectology of DSTU.
Keywords: resilience, personality development through physical culture and sports, moral determination, professional patriotism, pedagogical love for children.
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