The value of achieving success in the context of a healthy lifestyle in adolescence: the child-parent aspect
PhD T.B. Pozdnyakova
Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to determining the relationship between the values of achieving success and a healthy lifestyle among young men and women and their parents.
Methods and structure of the study. 146 people (university students and their parents) took part in the research. The main diagnostic tool was the VO 36 method (value orientations – 36 positions). In addition, the Parable test, the COSCOM method (Communicative and social competence), the Self-Assessment test (author of the methods V.N. Kunitsyna), and the 16-factor questionnaire by R. Cattell were used.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that achieving success is of great value to young people and their parents, and the degree of its importance is higher for children. It is noteworthy that they value their own health more than success in the business they are engaged in. Health has a high degree of importance for both children and parents. At the same time, the importance of self-care, which involves attention to one's health, appearance, interests and status, is more relevant for children. Parents have a direct connection between the values of health and caring for it. In contrast, among young people there are those who, while highly valuing health, attach great importance to its preservation, strengthening and improvement, and there are those who are absolutely indifferent to a healthy lifestyle. The value of achieving success among children and parents does not have a statistically reliable connection with the values of a healthy lifestyle. In the family, children and parents may have different options for combining the relevance of achieving success and caring for themselves. At the same time, they have a direct correspondence between the value of health.
Keywords: values, achieving success, healthy lifestyle, health, self-care, adolescence, parent-child relationships.
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