Rhythm-tempo structure of running in the analysis of competitive activities of the world's leading hurdlers at the Olympic Games in Paris
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.L. Ogandzhanov1
PhD G.V. Samoylov2
PhD, Associate Professor M.B. Salamatov3
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Tsyplenkova4
1Moscow City University, Moscow
2Victoria Sports School, Moscow Region
3The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
4Tula State University, Tula
Objective of the study was to identify informative kinematic parameters of the competitive activity of the world's strongest male hurdlers, determining the performance in the 110 m hurdles, based on an analysis of the results of the performances at the Paris Olympics.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of documentary materials, video analysis of the competitive activities of highly qualified hurdlers, and methods of mathematical statistics were conducted.
Results and conclusions. It has been revealed that modern men's short-distance hurdling is characterized by a high tempo of running steps between obstacles, which in leading athletes reaches a tempo even higher than that of highly skilled sprinters and reaches 5,3–5,5 steps per second. The limited inter-hurdle distances and the tall stature of hurdler athletes force athletes to achieve speed primarily not due to the length, but due to a high tempo of running steps. The running of Olympic champion G. Holloway (USA) is distinguished by high expediency of motor actions from the point of view of solving technical problems at the hurdle distance. With the growth of distance speed and competitive result, the athlete's step tempo increases and the speed of performing the hurdle step increases. Under these conditions, the athlete's hurdle step is perceived as one of the running steps, performed with a greater amplitude and along a higher trajectory than the running step, while the entire run along the distance is visually perceived as a single step.
Keywords: hurdles, biomechanical analysis, competitive activity, rhythm-tempo structure.
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