Ranking of leading countries in the overall medal count of the modern Olympic Games
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Shvetsov
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Objective of the study was to identify the position in the overall team medal count and the role of the system of training athletes in Olympic sports among the countries that perform most successfully in the modern Olympic Games.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis and generalization of the final results of the competitions and data from specialized literature on the history and statistics of modern Olympic Games was conducted.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that one of the criteria for the success of countries' participation in modern Olympic Games for fans, athletes, politicians and the media is the country's rating in the overall team medal count. Currently, among the countries-leaders of the overall team medal count, a group of TOP-16 has been formed, which managed to win at least 100 gold medals at the Olympic Games. The USA, USSR and PRC lead the overall team medal count. At present, the PRC (3rd place) and Russia (13th place) can be considered countries with a predominantly developed state system of training athletes from the TOP-16. The achievements of the other countries-leaders of the overall team medal count also testify to the significant role of the state in training athletes in Olympic sports.
Keywords: modern Olympic Games, unofficial team classification, overall team medal classification and ranking of leading countries, system of training athletes in Olympic sports.
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