Frontiers of pedagogical science in the field of «Physical education of students» in the focus of publications of the journal «Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury»
Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Minnikaeva2
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
2The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, North-Western Institute of Management, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to identify the frontiers of pedagogical knowledge in the field of «physical education of students» based on a meta-analysis of relevant empirical studies in the journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Education».
Methods and structure of the study. A meta-analysis of publications published in the journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Education» in the period 2020-2024 was conducted. The meta-analysis answered two questions: 1. What pedagogical phenomena in publications are related to the field of physical education of students? 2. What pedagogical technologies in the field of physical education of students with proven effectiveness belong to the first decile (the first 10% in the ranked distribution series)? The final database for the first question included 27 publications, the second question 41 articles, including empirical data with meaningful content.
Results and conclusions. The scientific work defines the frontiers of pedagogical knowledge in the field of physical education of students in the focus of publications in the journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Culture»: - «concept frontiers» representing the concepts of health saving, health preservation, health creation, health formation; humanistic paradigm of improving the physical culture of the student's personality; existential paradigm of physical education based on freedom of personal choice; «narrative frontiers» combining innovative technologies in the educational field of physical education of students; «weak signal frontiers» reflecting local research in narrow areas of scientific creativity, which is reflected in low publication activity.
The conducted research is a timely narrative for building a new publishing policy for the journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Culture» in the development of scientific content in the field of physical culture and sports and a model for the study of various areas of sports science.
Keywords: frontiers of pedagogical science, students, physical education, journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Culture».
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