Duration of an individual minute as a criterion for determining endogenous time perception in young and mature volleyball players
Kushnarev I.A.
Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Smurova A.E.
Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Keywords: volleyball, volleyball players, individual minute, adaptive capabilities, perception.
Introduction. For a volleyball player, an important criterion for successful physical, technical, and tactical actions is reaction speed. The success of implementing game actions is reflected in the ability to determine the response time to the actions of teammates and opponents [4]. It is important to understand how the endogenous perception of time may change with age for mature players continuing their sports careers. The duration of an individual minute can serve as a criterion for these changes and an indirect indicator of the adaptive capabilities of the nervous system.
Research Objective — to identify the features of endogenous time perception in young and mature volleyball players by measuring the duration of an individual minute.
Methodology and Research Organization. The study involved young volleyball players aged 17-19 (n=16) and mature volleyball players aged 30-35 (n=21), both groups having the same training load. The duration of an individual minute was determined using the "Sports Psychophysiologist" hardware-software complex (HSC) [1]. The research results were subjected to variational-statistical processing using Microsoft Excel 2019 and SPSS (version 19.0 for Windows).
Research Results and Discussion. The duration of an individual minute for young and mature volleyball players was 62.59±1.25 and 60.45±0.82, respectively, which is not a statistically significant difference. However, 23.8% of mature volleyball players had an individual minute duration of less than 55 seconds, while 19% had a duration of more than 65 seconds. Among young volleyball players, no players with low individual minute durations were identified, but 31.2% had durations exceeding 65 seconds. According to researchers, a shortening of the individual minute duration indicates a decrease in the body's adaptive reserves [2, 3], while a slight increase (no more than 12%) suggests a favorable adaptation prognosis.
Conclusion. Analyzing the duration of an individual minute in young volleyball players with deviations in endogenous time perception toward longer durations, it can be concluded that they have higher adaptive reserves compared to mature volleyball players.
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