Development of the analytical component of sports culture of students' personalities using information and communication technologies of management of physical education and sports activities


Burtsev V.A.
Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Burtseva E.V.
Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Rukavishnikov D.A.
Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary

Keywords: analytical component of students' personal sports culture, physical activity, information and communication technologies, information and analytical competence.

Introduction. The effectiveness of students' sports culture formation is largely determined by the level of their readiness for scientific research with the use of modern information and analytical technologies for managing the system of physical culture and sports activities (hereinafter - PSA) [1, 2, 3].

Purpose of the study: to theoretically develop and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the methodology for the development of the analytical component of students' personal sports culture on the basis of the application of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) for managing the system of PSA.

Methodology and organization of the study. The methodology for the development of the analytical component of students' sports culture of personality (hereinafter - AKSCLS) includes in its content information-analytical technologies of software support of students' educational and methodical activity in order to form information-analytical competence (hereinafter - IAC). In order to determine the level of development of AKSCLS, the integral scale of indicators of IAC formation was developed.

The results of the study and their discussion. At the beginning of the experiment, the EG and CG subjects did not show statistically significant differences in the indicators of the level of development of the AKSCLS. At the end of the experiment, the AKSCLS remained at the average (sufficient) level of development in the CG. At the same time, the EG showed a high (creative) level of AKSCLS development. In accordance with the indicators of formation of information-analytical competences in the sphere of management of physical culture and sports activity, the assessment was carried out according to the following criteria: possession of methods of search, collection, processing, selection, storage, transfer and exchange of analytical information; ability to structure and systematize analytical information with the use of ICT; ability to plan physical culture, training, competitive activity and to forecast its results; ability to make managerial decisions on the basis of objectivity and reliability of the obtained analytical information; ability to conduct scientific research on current issues of physical culture and sports training of qualified athletes.

Conclusions. Thus, the results of the study indicate the effectiveness of the methodology for the development of AKSCLS, which expands the prospects of scientific research with the use of ICT in the process of PSA management.


  1. Burtsev, V.A., Burtseva, E.V., & Igoshina, N.V. (2020). Development of communicative component of student sports culture in process of integration of educational process and sports activity. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, 8, 76.
  2. Burtsev, V.A., Burtseva, E.V., & Rukavishnikov, D.A. (2022). Development of affective component of students’ sports culture during sports activities. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, 3, 37.
  3. Burtsev, V.A., Burtseva, E.V., & Igoshina, N.V. (2022). Development of the axiological component of students' sports culture in the process of sports activity. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, 11, 51.