Development of individual and collective qualities of humanities students in the process of playing game sports
Antipov D.A.
State University of Education, Mytishchi, Moscow Region
Antipov A.V.
State University of Education, Mytishchi, Moscow Region
Shustov A.A.
State University of Education, Mytishchi, Moscow Region
Keywords: humanities educational institution, students, team sports, personal and collective qualities.
Research Objective — to develop and justify a technology for organizing extracurricular team sports activities at a humanities university aimed at developing individual and collective qualities of students.
Methodology and Research Organization. The research was conducted during the 2023-2024 academic year at the State University of Education (Mytishchi), involving 64 full-time students majoring in humanities and participating in football, volleyball, and basketball during extracurricular (sectional) time. The goal of these activities was not only to improve sports proficiency in the chosen sport but also to develop individual and collective qualities of students that contribute to effective professional activities in the future. For this purpose, sociometry was conducted as part of a formative pedagogical experiment.
Research Results and Discussion. Analysis of the informal communication sphere within student teams, which reflects relationships dependent on the nature of the participants and their interactions, showed that before the formative experiment, 42% of the cases involved players accepted by the team, while outcasts and stars accounted for 33% and 25%, respectively. As a result of the pedagogical experiment, the proportion of players accepted by the team increased to 50%. This trend indicates that the measures taken during the experiment had a positive effect on the relationships, which depend on the students' character and individual qualities.
The formal sphere, consisting of relationships formed and regulated by established rules and regulations of the sports team, was also analyzed. The research revealed that after the formative pedagogical experiment, the student teams at the university showed an almost equal distribution of players accepted by the team (42%), preferred players (33%) who actively contributed to the team's results, and stars (25%) who possessed leadership abilities.
The testing of the technology for organizing team sports sections within the humanities university system showed that by the end of the formative part of the pedagogical experiment, team leaders in 58% of cases accepted other team members as full-fledged players.
Conclusions. The results of sociometry in both formal and informal spheres of relationships among student players indicate that the technology for organizing sports sections in the humanities university system fosters team cohesion into a unified collective working towards common goals. This is evidenced by the increase in the number of players accepted by the team and the reduction in the number of student outcasts.
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