The place and role of physical culture and sports in the social doctrine of Islam


Orishev A.B.
Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Mamedov A.A.
Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Panyukov A.I.
Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Objective of the study: To determine the place and role of physical culture and sports in the social doctrine of Islam and the spiritual practice of Russian Muslims.

Methods and structure of the study: Participant and non-participant observation of physical education teachers, interviews with physical education teachers, content analysis of the speeches of theologians, and a sociological survey of students in sports sections and involved in physical education at the Timiryazev Academy aged 18 to 25 were conducted.

Results and conclusions: The article presents various points of view on the problem under study, and examines the role of physical culture and sports in the spiritual development of Muslims. Much attention is paid to namaz, the obligatory five-time prayer, during which believers perform a healthy set of exercises. The authors draw attention to the fact that the social doctrine of Islam actively supports physical culture classes that are carried out during the performance of religious worship, but imposes serious restrictions on professional sports. The recommended sports for Muslims are those that the Prophet Muhammad practiced during his lifetime: running, wrestling, archery, javelin throwing, fencing, trick riding, and swimming. The article shows Muslims' wary attitude toward chess and backgammon. The article substantiates the main contradiction between the ethical norms of Islam regarding sports competitions and the guidelines of modern professional sports, which are unthinkable without profit and various manifestations of sports excitement. Examples of sports competitions held under the auspices of Islam are given.

Keywords: Physical education, Islam, Muslims, sports, spirituality.


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