Modern approaches and technical solutions for assessing the speed and accuracy of thrusts in fencing with epees
Britskiy V.A.
Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports, Omsk
Aikin V.A.
Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports, Omsk
Objective of the study: To develop a technical training and diagnostic device «Electronic-Mechanical Fencing Target» and justify its use for assessing the speed and accuracy of thrusts in epee fencing.
Methods and structure of the study: The technical task of the claimed utility model is to record the speed and accuracy of epee thrusts in the training process. To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed simulator in the training process, a pedagogical experiment was conducted, which was aimed at confirming our hypothesis that the «Electronic-Mechanical Fencing Target» allows increasing the level and improving the speed-strength and coordination abilities of epee fencers. The experiment was conducted among 12-year-old athletes (3rd year of basic training), during the competitive period and was aimed in the experimental group, at including the «Electronic-Mechanical Fencing Target» in the special training of 12-year-old epee fencers.
Results and conclusions: The introduction of the «electronic-mechanical fencing target» and the experiment showed high dynamics of increases in the EG, primarily in the recorded indicators of accuracy and misses in all exercises. In the CG, high, reliably significant increases were not recorded. In general, the dynamics of increases in the EG are better than the CG indicators, except for individual indicators in individual exercises. The increase in the technical complexity of the form of movements is clearly visible in the results obtained in both groups.
Keywords: Target, develop, simulator, electronic-mechanical, utility model, experiment.
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