Model of formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle of students in the system of value orientations


Simina T.E.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow;

Petrova L.Yu.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow;

Malakhova O.E.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow;

Vnukova E.Yu.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow.

Objective of the study: To develop a model for the formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) culture among students in a university setting based on their value orientations.

Methods and structure of the study: A theoretical analysis of the problem and a survey of students using the M. Rokich method (value orientations, 441 people, including 69.8% girls and 30.2% boys) were conducted. The results of the author's questionnaire on the culture of a healthy lifestyle (28 questions, 815 people) were analyzed.

Results and conclusions: The methods of forming a healthy lifestyle among student youth have been updated, based on a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, informational approach. The structure of the organizational and management model has been developed, its components (blocks), participants, and expected results have been identified. The cultural and axiological positions of student youth in cultivating a healthy lifestyle have been identified. Innovations should take into account that students highly value health, have a strong need for various aspects of safety, are pragmatic, and are ready for cognitive, sports, and creative activities. Interdisciplinary interaction and advanced training of teachers in healthy lifestyle issues will be effective.

Keywords: students, health, culture, healthy lifestyle, organizational and managerial model, value orientations.


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