Key indicators for assessing the effectiveness of physical education at the municipal level


Slobodanyuk B.V.
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg;

Myakonkov V.B.
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg;

Mustafina D.V.
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg.

Objective of the study: To identify and substantiate key indicators that allow assessing the effectiveness of physical culture development at the municipal level.

Methods and structure of the study: The method of included observation, expert assessment, and methods of mathematical statistics were used in the scientific work. The empirical material consists of one group of criteria and 10 indicators of physical culture development typical for use at the municipal level. A questionnaire on the topic «Determining the priority of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of physical culture development at the municipal level» was developed for experts. The ranking of criteria is carried out by ordering: by average assessment (median — Me), by the cohesion of expert opinions (interquantile range — IQR), by the first quartile (Q1).

Results and conclusions: Assessing the effectiveness of physical education requires a comprehensive approach that includes both quantitative and qualitative indicators. The study reveals the need to develop programs to popularize physical education and sports, which involves organizing information campaigns to raise public awareness of the importance of physical activity. Sports festivals and other events can significantly contribute to this process. The key indicators are: the number of children and adolescents aged 6-15 who regularly attend sports schools; the proportion of city residents who have met the standards of the All-Russian Physical Education and Sports Complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO); the proportion of the population regularly engaged in physical education and sports in the total population. These indicators directly affect the physical activity of the population at the municipal level.

Keywords: indicator, assessment, efficiency, physical education, sport, municipal level.


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