Strategy for managing the training of student teams in game sports in the context of mass and professional sports


Rodin A.V.
Smolensk State University of Sports, Smolensk;

Ryzhkin N.V.
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don;

Nemtseva E.V.
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don;

Polin R.V.
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don.

Objective of the study: To theoretically develop and substantiate a strategy for managing the training of student teams in team sports in the context of mass and professional sports.

Methods and structure of the study: The methodological techniques were theoretical and sociological methods of research, as well as the method of strategic planning. The theoretical methods of research included: analysis of special scientific and methodological literature and program and regulatory documentation; construction of an object model; structural and functional method; description and comparison; analysis of theoretical solutions, verification of the possibility of eliminating contradictions. The sociological method was an expert survey of 48 specialists of higher education institutions, who were asked to express their opinion on the strategic directions of training student sports teams in team sports. The strategic planning method involved the use of SWOT analysis, which consists in identifying factors of the internal and external environment of the object under study.

Results and conclusions: From the standpoint of management theory, the developed strategy provides for the presence of a goal, objectives, stages of implementation and expected results. With the help of theoretical and sociological research methods, as well as the method of strategic planning, the components of the general plan for managing the preparation of student teams in game sports in the context of mass and professional sports were developed and substantiated.

Keywords: mass and professional sports, student sports, sports games, sports team, management, player training.


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