The relationship between the performance of the running test and the motivational structure of the person
Mazikin I.M.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation, Moscow;
Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow;
Lapkin M.M.
I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan;
Akulina M.V.
I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan;
Kulikova N.A.
I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan.
Objective of the study: To identify the relationship between the motivational basis of behavior and the effectiveness of running testing.
Methods and structure of the study: A sample of 70 elite male skiers aged 20-23 years was analyzed. The motivational basis of behavior was assessed using V.K. Gorbachevsky's test on 15 criteria (scores) immediately before conducting control running testing (3000 and 5000 m) at the stadium.
Results and conclusions: According to the cluster analysis, the studied sample, heterogeneous in terms of performance indicators in 3 and 5 thousand meter running, is divided into two clusters — a group of «low-performing» (n=36) and «high-performing» (n=34) athletes. Cluster differences in the motivational basis of athletes' behavior were established. The «low-performing» cluster is characterized by the predominance of an internal motive, the motive of avoidance and change of activity, the «high-performing» cluster — by such motives as internal, cognitive, competitive, change of activity, assessment of one's potential, expected level of results and initiative. Thus, the indicators of the motivational basis of behavior are of the greatest importance in achieving a high result in running disciplines for representatives of the second cluster, in contrast to the first.
Keywords: motivational basis of behavior, effectiveness of purposeful activity.
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