Taxonomy as an effective component of computer ontologies for developing students' predictive abilities


Kolyada M.G.
Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russian Federation;
Bugaeva T.I.
Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russian Federation;
Shatokhin E.Yu.
Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russian Federation;
Kolyada D.M.
Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russian Federation.

Objective of the study: To disclose the taxonomy of needs for the implementation of predictive decisions of the student and the «DIZO Pyramid» (Data, Information, Knowledge, Awareness), as the most suitable hierarchy for computer implementation. At the same time, the task was set to reveal the essence of the needs for the existence, growth, and achievements of predictive decisions of a sports coach, as well as the creation of a chain of predictive value of pedagogical decisions.

Methods and structure of the study: The article used the modeling method to create ontology models using taxonomic principles. In addition to the main stages of modeling (defining goals and objectives, collecting and analyzing data, creating a conceptual model), the stage of model formalization was used. The conceptual model was formalized using the OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontology description language. This made it machine-readable and integrable into various educational systems.

Results and conclusions: It has been established that taxonomies, as components of computer ontologies operating in the mode of elements of the modeling system, are essentially prototypes of not only declarative but also procedural knowledge, which in turn act as a guarantee of the quality of the obtained forecast solutions. Using intelligent programs working with ontological objects based on various educational and pedagogical taxonomies, acting as intermediaries between the user and the system in the process of their functioning, it is possible to gradually train the user to correctly apply forecast solutions and clearly show his computer simulation, as well as receive a wide range of objective conclusions of the results of machine analysis and recommendations for their implementation. In this mode, the intelligent system can even support dynamically changing awareness of the subject area under consideration, and is also capable of independently maintaining the level of forecast value of results and conclusions, which, as a rule, is impossible in the traditional approach to training.

Keywords: taxonomy, computer ontologies, predictive abilities, ability development, sports coach.


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