Sports practices of Uzbekistan youth: some results of an empirical research


Kh.F. Akramov1
PhD A.S. Gonashvili2, 3
1Tashkent State University of the Uzbek language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent
2Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology, St. Petersburg
3University associated with the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, St. Petersburg

Keywords: sport, sociological research, physical culture, youth, sports elevator, Uzbekistan.

Introduction. Sports activities among Uzbek youth are growing every year [1]. On the one hand, this is due to the development of sports conditions in Uzbekistan, and on the other hand, the sporting successes of Uzbekistan motivate young people to actively engage in daily sports practices [2].
The purpose of the study is to identify the role of sports practices among the youth of Uzbekistan.
Methodology and organization of the study. In the territory of Uzbekistan, from May to June 2024, a sociological study was conducted among young people from 16 to 35 years old, the content of which consisted in a questionnaire survey. 1,200 respondents participated in the survey, including 50% of men and 50% of women. The sample was quota-based, and the results of the study were representative of age characteristics. The research was aimed at identifying and posing problems related to the role of sports practices among young people.
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the responses of the respondents, 86.5% consider sports and physical education to be a positive daily practice. 98% of the respondents are engaged in sports in specialized institutions. According to the respondents, 73% of the respondents engage in sports practices in the form of aerobic exercise every day. Respondents define the role of sports practices as a social elevator and as a social agent.
According to respondents, boxing, athletics and wrestling are the most socializing sports, while fencing, billiards and golf, according to respondents, are the most non-socializing sports. Assessing the existing infrastructure in Uzbekistan, respondents note a shortage of hockey stadiums (22%) and a large number of athletics stadiums, sports clubs and recreational facilities.
Conclusion. Thus, according to the respondents' responses, sports practices for the youth of Uzbekistan are evaluated positively. For the majority of respondents, sports and sports practices are associated with a social lift, while the most popular sports as a factor of social lift are boxing, athletics and wrestling.


  1. Gonashvili A.S., Akramov H.F. Improvement of sports practices in Uzbekistan – on the principles of human capital development. Humanities. 2024. № 17(2). Pp. 287-298.
  2. Madaminov B.S. Sport in Uzbekistan. O'zbekistonda fanlararo innovatsiyalar va ilmiy tadqiqotlar jurnali. 2022. Vol. 2. No. 14. pp. 197-200.