Complex development of physical qualities based on the use of an obstacle course in a physical education lesson
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Andrianov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Chaichenko1
1State Social and Humanitarian University, Kolomna, Moscow region
Keywords: physical qualities, obstacle course, physical education lesson, schoolchildren.
Introduction. The use of an obstacle course in physical education lessons is aimed at comprehensive physical development and physical education of the student, by including motor tasks that relate to the main types of movements of the studied sections of the program material on physical culture [1]. Unfortunately, currently the issue of the practical application of the obstacle course in the physical education lesson in the 5th grade does not have sufficient methodological support, which makes this study relevant, and its results are practically significant for improving the effectiveness of the process of physical education of schoolchildren.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodology of using an obstacle course in a physical education lesson in middle grades.
Methodology and organization of the study. The essence of the experimental technique consists in the application of exercises combined in complexes at a physical education lesson and their implementation in the form of an obstacle course. The content of the obstacle course is compiled in accordance with the studied section of the school curriculum. Each section of the school curriculum involves the use of its own specific obstacle course. The duration of the tasks implemented in the form of overcoming the obstacle course was 10 minutes in the total volume of the physical education lesson. The students performed a set of motor tasks in sequence, alternately one after another 3-4 times in the main part of the lesson. The obstacle course was included in the content of the lessons once a week. The control lessons for the section were conducted using a control obstacle course made up of the types of movements learned in physical education lessons for this section.
To assess the comprehensive preparedness of middle school students, testing was conducted using control exercises: running 60 m from the start, shuttle running 3x10 m, pull-up on a high crossbar for boys, pull-up on a low crossbar for girls, running a distance of 1500 m, leaning forward from a standing position on a gymnastic bench.
The results of the study and their justification. The effectiveness of the method of using an obstacle course in a physical education lesson for the comprehensive development of physical qualities of middle school students is confirmed by positive increases in indicators in control tests: speed orientation – by 8.5%; strength orientation – 175%; coordination orientation – by 9.5%; in terms of endurance – by 10.8%, in terms of flexibility – by 105.3%.
Conclusions. The form of organizing a physical education lesson using an obstacle course considered in the article allows you to increase the level of physical fitness, positive emotional perception and interest in physical activity.
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