Method of diagnostics and coordination of individual motor activity of future teachers
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Beznosyuk1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.A. Gluzman1
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
Keywords: individual motor activity, future teacher, methodology, fitness application, Roufier index.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodology for diagnosing the individual motor activity of future teachers in order to coordinate it later using the author's fitness application "My activity".
Methodology and organization of the study. The procedure for diagnosing and coordinating the individual motor activity of future teachers includes the use of mathematical models of the norm of motor activity of students of pedagogical specialties, taking into account the level of health and free choice of types of physical activity. Regression equations have been developed, where informative morphofunctional, motor indicators of body development and an indicator of students' motor activity, integrally expressed in the Rufier index, are used as independent variables. Mathematical models of individual daily motor activity (YES) of students have been developed, taking into account individual health indicators, which are recorded in the personal account of an online application designed to activate students' motor activity, as well as its further independent control.
The results of the study and their discussion. The procedure for diagnosing and coordinating individual motor activity of students of pedagogical specialties was tested on 108 students of the Crimean Federal State Educational Institution named after V.I. Vernadsky. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of the approbation of the methodology allowed us to state the existence of a dependence of the students' health coefficient on the level of motor activity, which confirmed the relevance of the ongoing research. The correlation analysis, implemented on the basis of generalized data from the PAQ-A and PAQ-C questionnaires, allowed us to establish a direct relationship between the level of individual motor activity and indices of health indicators of students. Based on the data obtained in the context of students' self-examination and expert assessment of their motor activity by physical education teachers, the architecture of the fitness application "My activity" for Android and iOS mobile operating systems was proposed, which allows individualizing the measurement of motor activity regardless of the method chosen by the student to achieve the indicators of this motor activity. The fixation of the results serves as the basis for awarding bonus points by physical education teachers when passing the standards, which, in turn, not only helps to strengthen the health of future teachers, but also increases their motivational interest in improving their own indicators of individual motor activity.
Conclusions. Stimulation of the motor activity of future teachers is the key to modernization processes in physical education of both students themselves and the formation of an active lifestyle in the aspect of a healthy lifestyle, which in their future professional activities will allow them to become an undoubted example for the younger generation. The introduction of a methodology for assessing the individual motor activity of future teachers made it possible to individualize the process of evaluating their personal psychophysiological indicators. On this basis, select the appropriate type of motor activity for them, followed by fixation in the author's fitness application, which also allows physical education teachers to track performance and motivate students to further improve results using a bonus scoring system.
Used literature
- Egorov V.N., Gluzman N.A., Antipov A.V. Physical culture in the context of modern problems of higher education. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2020. No. 10. pp. 52-54.