Information system in interdepartmental interaction in project activities at the regional level


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor Yu.V. Podpovetnaya
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ural branch, Chelyabinsk

Keywords: project communications, project management methodology, project information system.

Introduction. The problem of implementing project activities in the conditions of the region, which involves various organizations and institutions in the field of physical culture and sports, actualizes the development of information systems for the effective achievement of the project goal.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the possibilities of an automated project management information system at the regional level in the field of education, physical culture and sports.
Methodology and organization of the study. Scientific work was carried out in four budget organizations of the Chelyabinsk region in the fields of education, physical culture and sports, environmental protection and social policy.
The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of the communication management system of budget organizations revealed problems in the implementation of projects and key indicators that were taken into account when developing the project management information system: the lack of up-to-date information on the project due to non-fulfillment of obligations of the contractor of the state contract to provide detailed project plans and regularly report on the progress of the project, including forecasts for the performance of work; later informing the responsible executor of the project about the risks and projected problems due to the weak development of the management culture in the organizations of most performers of government contracts, involving proactive project management, as well as transparency and openness of information exchange with the customer; the lack of an information system that ensures the exchange of information on projects between project participants from the organization, performers of government contracts, as well as co-executors at a level below [1].
To solve this problem, the information technology architecture of the Spider Project system has been developed, taking into account the requirements for project management: performance, reliability, extensibility, scalability and security. It is possible to expand the system by including additional servers in its composition in accordance with the needs of the project. It is possible to authorize users with access rights set by the administrator of a particular project. The functioning of the services has been adapted: the project intranet, content management, and the functionality of group project communications. A basic set of services for working with project information has been developed, ensuring the required completeness and quality of the project work performed.
Conclusions. The information system was tested in four budget organizations of the Chelyabinsk region related to education, physical culture and sports, environmental protection and social policy in the period from January 2024 to October 2024. Significant changes have taken place in all key indicators, confirming the effectiveness of organizational management and the implementation of the project management information system at the regional level.


  1. Edsger W. Dijkstra, Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective. On the role of scientific thought. Pages 60-66 // Springer-Verlag, 2020. 512 p.