The relationship between training sports activities and patriotic attitudes of youth


Dr. Sc.Hist., Professor L.V. Klimovich1
PhD, Associate Professor E.P. Galkina2
1Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Ulyanovsk
2Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk

Keywords: patriotic attitudes, sports, training activities, youth, students.

Introduction. Sports and training activities have the potential to form an active civic position and patriotic attitudes.
During training and participation in competitions, hard work, willpower, determination, a sense of justice and the rules of fair fight are instilled. Interaction with athletes from other states and regions contributes to the formation of citizens with an active lifestyle towards the country and the formation of patriotic attitudes in the activity aspect.
The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship of training and sports activities with patriotic attitudes of students based on the results of a sociological study.
Methodology and organization of the research. The scientific work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2024 (research topic "Mechanisms of transmission of historical memory as the basis for the formation of patriotic attitudes of youth in historical retrospect and the conditions of the current situation (regional aspect)").
60 students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Rehabilitation (Ulyanovsk State University) and the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports (Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov) took part in the survey.
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that, in general, respondents understand patriotism on a value level, highlighting the Motherland as the main value along with family, friendship, work (64.4%) and as an existential value (confidence in the protection and care of the state – 28.8%), on a cognitive level as the study of the history and culture of the country (35.6%). Using the Kendall rank correlation coefficient, it was found that there is a statistically significant relationship showing the relationship between students' professional sports and the assessment of their historical knowledge (Kendall's r=0.246). Respondents who are professionally engaged in training and sports activities (have sports titles) note such important qualities of a Russian: willingness to defend their country (65%, compared with the general sample of 56.1%), preservation of culture and traditions (85%, compared to 63.2% of all respondents). In addition to the main factors influencing the formation of students' historical views, such as family (47.5%), friends and peers (45.8%), teachers (28.8%), students with sports titles, highlighted the opinions and statements of famous people. Of these, 20% chose this answer, against 8.6% in the sample as a whole. These data demonstrate that professional athletes trust the authoritative opinion of famous people.
The results obtained correlate with the conclusions of researchers that sports practice has a favorable effect on the formation of patriotic feelings of young people, forms civic qualities: respect for rules and laws, a sense of solidarity and instills traditional values [1, 2].
Conclusions. The results of the sociological study confirmed that training and sports activities are an effective mechanism for the formation of patriotic attitudes of students.


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