Features of the formation of metacognitive skills at the initial stage of comprehensive training of young chess players


E.V. Fedorova1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Ulyaeva1, 2
1Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow
2Association of Sports Psychologists, Moscow

Keywords: metacognitive abilities, metacognitive skills, the initial stage of comprehensive training, young chess players.

Introduction. Metacognitive abilities are not only and not so much an innate given, but also a construct that can be developed and formed [1]. As a result, a specially developed educational system is needed that allows the formation of metacognitive skills from the initial stage of comprehensive training of young chess players.
The purpose of the study is to study the process of formation of metacognitive skills at the initial stage of comprehensive training of young chess players.
The results of the study and their discussion. Based on the theories and concepts of cognitive and metacognitive learning, the study pays special attention to the stage of initial training of young chess players, which is aimed at achieving an imitative and reproductive level of development of metacognitive abilities. At this stage, in addition to diagnosing their own metacognitive strategies of young chess players (depending on their age), an algorithm for observing, tracking and introspection of their own mental activity in solving educational chess problems is being developed.
The process of forming metacognitive skills at the initial stage corresponds to the following structural and logical scheme (see figure).
Conclusion. The first stage is aimed at forming initial ideas about metacognitive processes, skills and abilities. This stage is realized through the active role of a chess coach-teacher, who demonstrates in the classroom a sample analysis of his own mental actions, or the actions of famous chess players. At this stage, under the guidance of a coach, young chess players develop a "memo", where reference questions are recorded, the answers to which make up an algorithm for analyzing their own cognitive (mental) actions. At the second stage, young chess players, using stimulating methods, attempt to analyze the course of their reasoning when solving a specific educational task. The third stage is the stage of monitoring the degree of assimilation of the proposed analysis algorithm by young chess players.


  1. Ulyaeva L.G. Personal resources of athletes: structure, content, psychological conditions of their implementation in youth sports: monograph. M.: Perspektiva, 2023. 216 p.