Monitoring the physical health of students of a pedagogical university


PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Simonyan1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Moscow Region, Kolomna

Keywords: physical activity, students, health monitoring.

Introduction. The problem of insufficient physical activity of the population in the modern world is becoming more urgent every year. Research in this area shows that a lack of physical activity is increasingly affecting the health of citizens of different ages. At the same time, in recent decades, the situation has become especially acute among young people [1, 2].
The purpose of the study is to analyze the physical health of students of a pedagogical university.
Methodology and organization of the study. Study, analysis, comparison of scientific and methodological literature data; InBody hardware testing, hardware testing using a cardiovisor, statistical processing of the results obtained.
The results of the study and their discussion. An assessment of the functional state of regulatory systems showed that 3.8% of the surveyed were in a state of physiological norm. The prednosological condition, when there is a tension of regulatory mechanisms, but the ability to work is not impaired and the body can be brought to a state of physiological norm with the help of preventive and wellness measures, is typical for 24% of the surveyed. Premorbid condition, which is an intermediate stage between health and illness, was diagnosed in 37% of the examined patients. Failure of adaptation, which means insufficiency of protective and adaptive mechanisms, their inability to ensure an adequate response of the body to environmental factors, was observed in 25.6% of cases.
Functional diagnostics vital lung volume (LV) is normal at 35%, below normal at 65%. Dynamometry results are below the norm of 45%, the norm is 53%, above the norm is 2%. Shoulder index – presence of stoop – 35% absence of kyphous stoop - 65%. The depth of cervical lordosis is normal – 59%, flattening in the cervical spine - 22%, strengthening in the cervical spine – 19%. Lumbar lordosis is normal – 59%, hyperlordosis – 11%, smoothing 30%. The location of the calcaneal bones – flat feet – of varying degrees – 67%, normally – 33%. According to the results of InBody testing, students are recommended to: maintain a drinking water balance, increase muscle mass (through exercise) and reduce the level of visceral fat in the body; control the level of calories consumed per day using a collorizer; from the report on the test results, students learned how many kilograms they need to lose / gain to an ideal weight; in is their metabolism normal? Individually, each student received recommendations on observing sleep and wakefulness, nutrition, stress prevention, and regular moderate physical activity. Some students (4%) were given an additional recommendation – to undergo a complete examination of the heart and carry out dynamic monitoring of its condition.
Conclusions. The results of the study made it possible to obtain a physiological portrait and an analysis of monitoring the health of students. Due to this, the weakest links in the body have been identified for targeted effects, and individual programs of wellness classes have been compiled.


  1. Golovina E.A., Gurenko Yu.V., Tomashevskaya O.B., Romanov S.S. Assessment of the physical condition of first-year students / E.A. Golovina. Izvestiya TulSU. Physical Culture. Sport. 2020. Issue 9. pp. 14-20.
  2. Mitusova E.D., Simonyan L.A. Information and sports technologies used by student youth. Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 2023. No. 4. p. 24.