Heart rate spectral analysis indices of girls involved in badminton


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Turmanidze
State University of Management, Moscow

Keywords: adaptation, badminton, variability, heart rate.

Introduction. Badminton is one of the fastest game sports, requiring an athlete to include the maximum reserves of the body with a constant transition to extreme loads. During the badminton players' game, speed and strength work is accompanied by a wide range of technical and tactical tasks. This kind of sport is interesting for studying the capabilities of the body, the reaction of the autonomic nervous system in controlling the heart rate to various loads. One of the available informative ways to control such a contingent is to study heart rate variability [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the contribution of waves to the work of the heart rhythm in people who do not engage in sports and badminton players, evaluate the contribution of each of them and decompose the rhythmogram into components.
Methodology and organization of the research. In the sports complex on the basis of the Department of Physical Culture of the GUU, girls aged 17.9 ± 1.1 years took part in the experiment – badminton players – n=8, with sports experience of playing badminton 3.6± 1.2 years and 1st year girls – n=6, who do not play sports. The analysis of heart rate variability was performed on the Rheo-spectrum (Neurosoft) device.
The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of the rhythmogram data revealed the following: the contribution of all waves to the total power of the spectrum (TR, ms2) showed that there is a significant decrease in numerical values, depending on the level of fitness, so for badminton girls (GB) is 4256.0±205.6* non-athletes (GN) =2621.4±36.8. Very low frequency waves corresponding to due to the activity of the central ergotropic and humoral-metabolic mechanisms of heart rate regulation, a significant strain of adaptation mechanisms in athletes (VLF, mc2) GB = 1445.3±67.3*°/GN = 725.1±13.4 was revealed*; the power values of low frequency waves indicated a higher inclusion of the sympathetic department in non-sports people (LF, ms2) GB = 642.4±16.8*/HH = 944.9±12.6; the level of high frequency waves (HF, ms2) determined that badminton exercises affect the work of adaptive mechanisms, where an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic the level of the autonomic nervous system is interpreted as the level of fitness GB =1538.2 ± 57.4/ GN=983.4±11.9; * at p< 0.05.
Conclusion. The revealed indicators confirm the hypothesis that regular directed aerobic physical activity, such as badminton, improves the level of work of the heart rate-regulating adaptive mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system and can be recommended for people who do not engage in sports.


  1. Turmanidze A.V., Turmanidze V.G., Kalinina I.N. Features of vegetative regulation of the heart rhythm of badminton players of various qualifications. Fundamental research. 2015. No. 2, part 5. pp. 979-983.