Organizational and methodological aspects of holding school and municipal stages of the AllRussian school Olympiad in the subject "Physical education"


PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Rayzikh1
Associate Professor S.S. Maksimova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Alabuzhev1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to evaluation of the results of performances of students in grades 7-11 of general education organizations of the city of Izhevsk at the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad in the subject «Physical Education».
Methods and structure of the study. In order to determine the objectivity of the assessment of students' performance in theoretical-methodological and practical tests at the school stage and to confirm these results at the municipal stage of the Olympiad, a survey was conducted among physical education teachers in Izhevsk.
Results and conclusions. The survey results revealed the main difficulties in judging, organizing and holding the school and municipal stages of the Physical Education Olympiad. The respondents gave the following recommendations: invite gymnastics judges; conduct a qualified analysis of students' mistakes; evaluate students' performances objectively; conduct online broadcasts of the practical part of the Olympiad; exempt the teacher from teaching lessons on the day of the Olympiad; increase the preparation time for the practical stage; conduct theoretical and methodological tests online or in one school in the district; determine a separate day for the Olympiad; adhere to the testing schedule.

Keywords: school Olympiad, school and municipal stages, theoretical and methodological and practical tests, physical education.


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