Development of physical qualities of basketball players by means of circuit training


PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Sablin1, 2
PhD, Professor S.V. Chernyshev1
Senior teacher E.A. Ulyanova2
PhD, Associate Professor G.G. Polevoy3
1Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow
2Moscow City University, Moscow
3Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to development of speed-strength and strength abilities of basketball players using the method of circuit training at the preparatory stage of the training process.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted for 5 months at the sports school number 3 in Kirov. 42 basketball players took part in the pedagogical experiment. The control group trained according to the usual program of training athletes, and the experimental group used the method of circuit training at each lesson. To determine the level of development of physical qualities, such tests as high and long jump, pull-ups and leg raises from a hang on a horizontal bar were used. The main method of mathematical statistics was Student's t-criterion.
Results and conclusions. After the end of the study, the athletes from the experimental group significantly outperformed their peers from the control group in all the studied indicators (p<0,05). If modern methods of intensive training are used in working with adult basketball players, the key indicators of speed-strength and strength abilities will improve significantly.

Keywords: physical exercises, physical training, athletes, preparatory period, jumping ability.


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