Dynamics of special physical fitness of student basketball players


Associate Professor A.M. Pushkareva1
PhD A.V. Pushkarev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Popova2
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Melnikov1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk
2Tchaikovsky State Physical Education and Sport Academy, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to determine the impact of classes in the discipline «Physical Education and Sports» on the special physical fitness of students specializing in «basketball».
Methods and structure of the study. The research work included conducting and evaluating the results of testing the special physical fitness of students involved in basketball in the 1st and 2nd years of study (a total of 38 boys and 28 girls). A comparative analysis was conducted of the impact of classes of the 2020 and 2021 admission groups on the indicators of speed, coordination, speed-strength abilities and speed endurance.
Results and conclusions. During the comparative analysis of the dynamics of the results of control SPF-testing of basketball students during two periods of study, it was revealed that the use of an individually differentiated approach, compared to the traditional one, has a more significant impact on the indicators of special physical fitness of those involved. At the same time, the introduction of special multidirectional exercise complexes and their combinations into the educational and training process, the use of game and competitive tasks, the combination of physical exercises with technical elements of the game, allows improving the indicators of speed, coordination and speed-strength abilities, contribute to better mastery of basketball playing techniques by 1-2-year students at the university.

Keywords: special physical training, basketball, students, testing, dynamics.


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