Problems of implementation of the federal standard of sports training in the sport of "Aesthetic gymnastics"
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Novokreshchenov1
A.R. Ashikhmina1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk
Objective of the study assessment of the requirements of the federal standard of sports training in the sport of "aesthetic gymnastics" in terms of its practical use in the process of sports training.
Methods and structure of the study. A survey method was used, in which 50 aesthetic gymnastics trainers from 7 regions of the Volga Federal District took part. 48% of the experts had more than 10 years of experience as a trainer, and 56% were sports judges of the All-Russian and first category. A questionnaire consisting of 20 questions, posted on the Google Forms resource, was used as an online tool.
Results and conclusions. Inconsistencies were found between the requirements of the federal standard and the actual process of sports training. 84% of coaches noted that girls are enrolled in initial training groups from the age of 4 (16% of surveyed coaches do this from the age of 3), while the sports training standard recommends doing this from the age of 6. Regarding the difficulty of fulfilling the standards used to assess the physical fitness of gymnasts, the majority of experts (96%) believe that the exercises are too easy and their difficulty reflects a rating of "1" on a 5-point scale. 100% of respondents noted that there are exercises that need to be changed or excluded, since they do not reflect the level of physical fitness of gymnasts. Based on the survey results, proposals and recommendations were prepared for improving the sports training standard for the sport of "aesthetic gymnastics".
Keywords: aesthetic gymnastics, federal standard of sports training, survey of coaches, assessment of standard requirements.
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