Influence of special strength training on the time of competition distance in sports tourism


PhD, Associate Professor A.P. Knyazev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Kozhevnikov1
A.V. Oralov1

1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of special strength training on the time it takes to complete a competitive distance in sports tourism among 13-14 year old boys.
Methods and structure of the study. A group of 18 young men aged 13-14 involved in sports tourism participated in a sequential pedagogical experiment. The experimental complex was formed on the basis of an analysis of the correlation relationships between the results of testing physical fitness and the time it took to complete the stages of the competitive distance «Distance – walking». The exercises of the experimental complex were selected based on the principle of «dynamic correspondence» of strength training means to a specialized exercise.
Results and conclusions. At the end of the experiment, a reliable increase in the results was revealed in the tests «Pull-up from a hang on a high bar» and «Climbing a rope without using legs», which have the greatest impact on the time of covering the competitive distance. A statistically significant decrease in the time of covering the competitive distance and, in particular, its stages was also revealed: «Climbing the slope»; «Descent of the slope»; «Parallel crossing».

Keywords: sports tourism, distance – walking, strength training, principle of dynamic compliance.


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