Development of mass sports at the regional level in the perceptions and assessments of modern students volleyball players


Dr. Sc.Phil., Professor I.V. Vasilenko1
Dr. Sc.Soc., Professor O.V. Tkachenko1
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd

Objective of the study was to identifying the reasons for the insufficiently active participation of students from Volgograd universities in various types of mass sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The sociological study was conducted using a semi-standardized interview method among students of Volgograd universities, as the most active part of the youth. The sample consisted of 580 people.
Results and conclusions. The results of the study allowed us to identify one of the main reasons for the lack of involvement of students in mass sports, namely the lack of a stable habit of physical activity among modern youth, which is formed mainly in childhood. Awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle leads to attempts by modern students to independently form the practice of sports. However, the desire to be "fit" and healthy does not always successfully counter such problems as the lack of experience in sports activities, a formal attitude to physical education classes in educational institutions, poorly developed sports infrastructure, and the lack of an effective state policy regarding physical education and sports.

Keywords: mass sports, body shaping, healthy lifestyle, physical education of students.


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