Yoga as a psychological and pedagogical technology for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students in the secondary vocational education system
PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Naumova1
Dr. Psych., Professor A.A. Baranov1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk
Objective of the study was to develop a theoretical model and psychological and pedagogical technology for teaching yoga as an element of a healthy lifestyle to students of secondary vocational education.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of scientific and methodological literature, both Russian and foreign, on the problem under consideration was conducted. The experience of teaching yoga, including in physical education classes, was summarized. Of the variety of pedagogical techniques and methods in yoga classes, the Socratic method was taken as the basis. The experiment was conducted in two stages - ascertaining and formative experiments.
Results and conclusions. The influence of yoga classes in physical education classes in secondary specialized education organizations is considered. The authors of the article developed and tested a model, and on its basis, a psychological-psychological-pedagogical technology. The inclusion of yoga exercises in the structure of classes allowed to more effectively form a positive attitude (motivation) in students to a healthy lifestyle. The theoretical model of training consists of target, theoretical-installation, diagnostic content-technological, reflexive and result blocks. Psychological-psychological-pedagogical technology is based on active teaching methods. Experimental work (formative experiment) showed the validity of the hypothesis.
Keywords: educational process, theoretical model, pedagogical technology, yoga, physical education, secondary vocational education.
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