Influence of Nordic walking classes on psychological and pedagogical characteristics of female students of nonsports faculties
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Strelnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Kiseleva1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Ulyaeva2
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.I. Dudkina2
1Vyatka State University, Kirov
2Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow
Objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of Nordic walking classes on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of female students of non-sports faculties.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved 60 first-year female students from non-sports departments of Vyatka State University in Kirov and Moscow State University of Architecture and Construction. The experiment took place in the Yu. A. Gagarin Park in Kirov and in the Tsaritsyno Park in Moscow for 7 months (October-April 2024). The SAN Questionnaire was used to promptly assess the current psychological state of the participants, mental anxiety was determined by the PSM Questionnaire test. The level of endurance was measured using the 12-minute Cooper test and the multi-stage progressive test of N. G. Ozolin (1988).
Results and conclusions. At the beginning of the experiment, the results of the SAN test revealed favorable well-being of all subjects. Processing and interpretation of the results of the PSM questionnaire showed 85% psychological adaptation, i.e. average stress level. Comparative results at the beginning and end of the experiment in the 12-minute Cooper test revealed the reliability of the result (p<0,05). The multi-stage progressive test of N.G. Ozolin indicated reliable differences in low and moderate intensity loads (p<0,05). Invalid results were obtained with a submaximal load.
Nordic walking is an effective and promising health direction for implementation in physical education of students of non-sports faculties. It promotes the development of endurance. Increases the motivation of female students to attend physical education classes for health improvement.
Keywords: Nordic walking, psychological state, mental anxiety, endurance, female students of non-sports faculties.
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