Conceptualization of the formation of health values of university students by means of physical education


PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Minnikaeva1
PhD S.K. Rukavishnikova1
T.I. Melnikova1
O.P. Vinogradova1

1The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, North-Western Institute of Management, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to develop a conceptualization of the formation of health values ​​in university students through physical education and to theoretically substantiate it.
Methods and structure of the study. Analytical and synthetic review of literature and electronic information sources of the Internet, which are in the public domain. Survey of 1-3 year students (1200 students) North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Results and conclusions. The article presents the results of a survey that showed that today there is still a high percentage of students who do not consider health values ​​to be significant for themselves. A literature review revealed patterns, the essence of the formation of health values ​​and the most acceptable approaches: humanistic, personal-activity and biopsychosocial. Based on this, the leading concepts were identified: physical education, optimal motor activity and an active life position. The concepts became the foundation on which the conceptualization of the formation of health values ​​by means of physical education was built and described. Important predictors were the attitude towards a student as a subject with opportunities for growth and self-development in a situation of independent choice and responsibility for it. Pedagogical support, encouragement, acceptance and support became the loci of effective formation of health values ​​in the process of physical education.

Keywords: students, active life position, physical education at the university.


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