The concept of physical education of a patriotdefender of the state in the philosophy of Plato


PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Zhurbina1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Danshina1
Dr. Sc.Hist., Professor G.V. Merzlyakova1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to consideration of the ancient model of education of the defender of the state in the unity of musical, gymnastic and military directions of education and to show the importance of gymnastic art in the process of its preparation.
Methods and structure of the study. This scientific work is based on the method of philosophical hermeneutics, which allows, on the basis of a modern interpretation of Plato's classical works «The State» and «Laws», to present the figure of a patriot-defender in the categories: «athlete» - «warrior» - «hero», demonstrating the unity of musical, gymnastic and military education.
Results and conclusions. It has been revealed that in Plato's concept, the unity of the system of education of the defenders of the state is provided by gymnastic art, establishing the relationship between the musical and military training systems. Musical and gymnastic training form the image of an athlete with a courageous soul, educated by poetry, chants about heroes, and a physically developed body, whose strength, speed and endurance are demonstrated in the process of sports competitions. Gymnastic and military training create the image of a warrior who, along with skillful possession of weapons, has Spartan fortitude (courage, bravery, courage) and a sense of patriotism. The ideal image of the defender of the state is embodied by a hero, covered with glory, he serves as a role model. In musical education, Plato recommends using myths, poetry and chants that depict human fortitude and courage, educating the spirit of a citizen-warrior.

Keywords: musical art, gymnastic art, military art, athlete, warrior, patriot, hero.


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