Visual representation of the history of football on paper money from the early 20th to the first third of the 21st centuries
Dr. Hab., Professor O.D. Fedotova
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
Objective of the study was to determine the thematic distribution and content of pictorial publications on banknotes of different countries, reflecting the history of football, presenting them in chronological order.
Methods and structure of the study. The empirical source of the study is the materials posted on the website of the international organization ICOM International Committee for Money and Banking Museums, and illustrated catalogues, including a wide variety of topics on German means of payment – notgeld.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that the design of notgelds presents two variants of plot construction, the first of which includes various advertising materials concerning the history and current (at that time) state of work of the sports association that issued them, and the second contains images of moments of training or competition. Banknotes in circulation, issued in Myanmar, Honduras, Qatar, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Maldives, China introduce users to the history of sports facilities, football games and the contribution of individual famous athletes to the history of football. The plot of the commemorative banknote issued in Russia in 2018 symbolizes the continuity of generations and is addressed to the future. It represents a young football player studying the technique of goalkeeper Lev Yashin. The article concludes that the topic related to the forms of objectification of information about sports in different sources is inexhaustible and awaits its researchers.
Keywords: physical education, sports, sports, football, history of football, illustration, notgeld, banknotes.
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