Indicators of the vegetative status of students of the special medical group


PhD, Associate Professor I.I. Shumikhina1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Gushturova1
E.A. Dygaev1

1Udmurt State University, Izevsk

Objective of the study was to assess the state of vegetative status and vegetative reactivity in students of a special medical group.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 168 students aged 18-21 years from Udmurt State University (UdSU), with chronic diseases and disabilities, who were sent to groups engaged in adaptive physical education due to their health condition. The initial state of the vegetative balance was studied using the analysis of heart rate variability. Studies of the vegetative balance and vegetative reactivity were conducted at the beginning of the academic year, after the students had undergone a medical examination.
Results and conclusions. The article shows that in most cases, the students under study have a shift in the vegetative balance towards central regulation, which leads to a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the body. It is shown that the functional state of the body varies not only by different vegetative balances, but also by the nature of vegetative reactivity (optimal, hypo-, hyper-, paradoxical). The use of an orthostatic test in the analysis of HRV, taking into account the individual type of regulation, allows us to determine with high accuracy the degree of inclusion of vegetative control. The most common diseases among students are cardiovascular diseases, in second place are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and in third place are diseases with metabolic disorders.

Keywords: students, special medical group, vegetative balance.


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