Features of physical rehabilitation of patients after stroke based on assessment of psychoemotional state indicators


PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Kapustina
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the indicators of the psycho-emotional state of patients after a stroke and their readiness for therapeutic exercise during the rehabilitation process.
Methods and structure of the study. Psychological testing was conducted using the hospital anxiety and depression scale, the integrative anxiety test, the asthenia assessment scale, the compliance scale, and the brief neuropsychological examination of the cognitive sphere. The study sample included 35 patients aged 60 to 80 years. The empirical base of the study is City Clinical Hospital No. 2 (Novosibirsk).
Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed the presence of significant links between depression and decreased physical activity, as well as between the level of compliance with treatment and the performance of physical exercises for fine motor skills and memory. The data obtained allow us to conclude that the development of rehabilitation complexes for elderly patients with the characteristics considered should include not only traditional measures aimed at restoring motor activity and cognitive activity, but also increasing the motivation and meaningfulness of the rehabilitation process itself, which is possible with the use of new engineering products in the process of organizing therapeutic exercise in medical and rehabilitation institutions and competent social and psychological support during treatment and rehabilitation.

Keywords: therapeutic exercise, rehabilitation after stroke, psycho-emotional state, motivation for recovery, elderly people.


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