The relationship between the internal picture of health and the characteristics of cardioregulation in those involved and not involved in swimming
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Dobrin1
PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Elnikova1
Postgraduate student N.S. Rogova1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets
Objective of the study was to identify the features of the relationship between the internal health picture and the regulation of the heart rate of older preschool children who attend a swimming section and do not attend sports sections.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 44 subjects of senior preschool age (average age 6,29±0,7 years). The features of the internal picture of health were identified using the methods: «Express diagnostics of a child», Questionnaire «Attitude to health». The study of the features of cardiac rhythm variability was carried out using the software and hardware complex «OMEGA-M».
Results and conclusions. The features of the internal picture of health differ in children who attend and do not attend the swimming section, and children who attend the section demonstrate a lower level of the internal picture of health compared to their peers who do not attend the section. The level of the internal picture of health is associated with the features of the variability of the heart rate, while in preschoolers who attend the swimming section, during a conversation about health, an increase in the activity of the sympathetic part of the ANS in the process of cardioregulation was found, which indicates a moderate stress of the regulatory systems of the body.
Keywords: internal health picture, heart rate variability, autonomic nervous system, preschoolers.
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