Sports activities of university student associations as a factor in preventing conflict and destructive behavior in youth


PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Berestova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Batalova1
Dr. Sc.Hist., Professor G.V. Merzlyakova1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to assessment of the possibilities of sports activities of student associations as a factor in preventing conflict and destructive behavior of young people.
Methods and structure of the study. The methodological basis of the study is a comprehensive analysis of scientific research and methodological literature and the use of sociological methods of questionnaires and interviews.
Results and conclusions. Prevention of conflict and destructive behavior of young people is an important area of ​​activity of educational and extracurricular educational work of a modern university. Various student associations, including sports-oriented ones, are actively working at Udmurt State University. The conducted sociological research showed that sports activities are an effective way of preventing conflict and destructive behavior, as they contribute to obtaining positive social experience and reduce conflict in interpersonal and group communication.

Keywords: physical education, sports, student associations, prevention of conflict behavior of young people, prevention of destructive behavior of young people.


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