Algorithm of the relationship between ineffective intellectualmotor operations and actions of a judoka when implementing technical techniques
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
E.A. Kabanova1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.A. Ermakov2
Dr. Hab., Professor S.B. Seryakova1
1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow
2Tula State University, Tula
Objective of the study was to identify the presence of an algorithm in the relationship of cause-and-effect relationships that determine the probabilistic consolidation of ineffective intellectual-motor operations and actions of a young judoka when implementing technical techniques in training and competitive activities, which allows, with pedagogical control, to prevent the negative tendency of fixation in memory and the development of automated errors in action.
Methods and structure of the study. Video analysis of structural components of movement, cluster analysis, and methods of descriptive statistics were used. The study was conducted on a contingent of coaches from the Sports and Education Center «Sambo – 70», assessing the prerequisites and causes of technical errors in a young judoka in two competitive situations.
Results and conclusions. In the basic clusters, not prerequisites but semantic constructs of the direct activity format are identified, reflecting the content of the trainer's appropriate practical recommendations. The formation of a young judoka's positive competitive experience should be based on the analysis of semantic units in the algorithm of the relationship of ineffective intellectual-motor operations and actions to prevent the process of its transformation into an algorithm for their consolidation. Detailing the causes of errors based on the semantic analysis of meanings allows us to reveal the direction of pedagogical influence on updating the content of training and competitive activities.
Keywords: judoka, confrontation with an opponent, ineffective intellectual-motor operations and actions, correlation algorithm, probabilistic consolidation, automated errors, warning.
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