Analysis of biomechanical indicators of the jerk technique of highly qualified weightlifters in competitive approaches


PhD A.B. Rafalovich1, 2
1The Fеdеrаl Trаining Sроrts Center of the representative teams of Russia, Moscow
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Malakhovka, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to identification of informative indicators of the technique of the barbell jerk from the chest.
Methods and structure of the study. A comparative analysis of the barbell jerk technique of 31 highly qualified weightlifters was conducted. In successful and unsuccessful approaches, the spatial-temporal characteristics of the barbell movement and the indicators assessing the position of the athlete and the barbell at certain moments of the exercise were compared. High-speed video recording (250 fps) with one camera was used to record the movement.
Results and conclusions. The informative indicators of the technique of the barbell jerk from the chest were revealed, which had reliably significant differences (p≤0,05) in successful and unsuccessful approaches: the duration of the final acceleration phase, the duration of the microphase of switching after the final acceleration and the unsupported phase, the vertical movement of the barbell in the phases of the half-squat, final acceleration, first support squat and unsupported phase, the distance between the feet in the squat (in the «scissors»).

Keywords: jerk, technique analysis, successful and unsuccessful approaches, highly skilled weightlifters.


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