Medical and biological factors limiting the feasibility of developing physical qualities and energy potential of the body in highly qualified rowers on kayaks and canoes


Dr. Med., Professor G.A. Makarova1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.I. Pogrebnoy1
PhD A.A. Karpov1
S.M. Chernukha1

1Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to identify medical and biological factors that may hinder the improvement of the training process efficiency in highly qualified canoeists and kayakers.
Methods and structure of the study. The results of 18 series of our own monitoring of the current functional state of highly qualified kayakers and canoeists over a period of six years (2019-2024) are summarized. A total of 43 male rowers aged 18 to 36 years (5 HMS, 8 MSIC, 27 MS, 3 CMS) and 23 female rowers aged 18 to 33 years (2 HMS, 4 MSIC, 15 MS, 2 CMS) took part in the research.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that the values ​​of parameters related to negative shifts are registered in a selected contingent of athletes in 20-80% of measurements, i.e. many of them train against the background of foci of chronic infection, overstrain of the central nervous system, pre-anemic state, protein deficiency, etc. Based on this, the solution to the problem of individualization and increasing the effectiveness of the training process in highly qualified rowers on kayaks and canoes should begin with the definition and subsequent elimination of their individual medical and biological risk factors.

Keywords: highly skilled canoeists and kayakers, morphological and biochemical composition of blood, negative changes, detection rate, training process.


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