Technologies for gamification of physical culture, health and sports activities in the context of a virtual sports club


PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Dmitriev1
Postgraduate student D.A. Sterkhov1
Postgraduate student Yu.V. Churakov1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to generalization of experience and transfer of knowledge of the theory of virtuality to the field of physical education, health and sports activities (PEHSA), as well as the development of gamification technology for home training of children.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the basis of generalization of theoretical knowledge and practical experience of functioning of virtual organizations, in which the following methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, content analysis and definition of concepts, gamification, technology of creating a mobile application, neural network.
Results and conclusions. Based on the content analysis of scientific publications, a generalized definition of a virtual school sports club is formulated, where its main features and content are revealed. A model of the virtual sports club "Sokol" for martial arts in Izhevsk with an informal structure is created. The development of a gamification application is presented, allowing the use of devices for the purposes of physical education and sports, as well as increasing the motivation and interest of the child in training. These innovations are aimed at improving physical education and sports work, increasing the level of physical fitness of children, and developing children's associations.

Keywords: virtual organization, virtual sports club, virtual technologies in training, gamification, sportization, mass sports.


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